Monday, March 25, 2013

Almost There

      We're almost there. We're almost done with our last year of high school, almost there receiving that sweet, sweet diploma, and almost there walking off that stage saying, "I did it!"
     I think it's safe to say, high school was truly an experience, and a great one if I may say so myself. Yes, high school was not entirely "great," for we've all had our fair share of disappointments, failures, heartbreaks, and heartaches, but it's those very same obstacles that allow each and every one of us a chance to grow and to learn. A little bump in the road never hurt anybody.
     So now we're here, March 25, 2013. Most of us, including myself, are anxiously deciding our next move, our next step in our journey.
     "What college am I going to attend?" "Are they going to accept me?" "What am I going to do with my life?" As a senior, questions like these are the ones I am dying to know the answer to. And I know I'm not the only one. We can only hope that four years of hard work will pay off in the end. Oh, and let's not forget about those long, strenuous, and sleepless nights filled with nothing but homework and projects.
     Through our ups and downs, we should also never forget those who joined us on the ride. Those who lifted us up, those who filled our days with laughter, those who guided us through our tough situations, and even those who made us cry, thank you. We should thank every single person that helped shape the person we are today.

     What will happen in the future? Only time will tell, but before we reach our next exit, we should enjoy our last few months in high school, cherish our loved ones, and build even more memories. After all, we're only seniors once.


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