Saturday, April 6, 2013


     After every relationship whether it was only for 2 days, 2 weeks, or 2 years, that emotional attachment will always be there. There is always a next chapter after a breakup. We can chose to linger in the pain, or accept and move on. It may seem like the end of the world now, but in time, you will see that everything happens for a reason.
     Coming from a senior girl's perspective where love can feel like everything; here are some ways to help get over the "man of your dreams."

Step 1: Delete all your texts with your ex. By deleting conversations, you will not be tempted to read and feel hurt again.

Step 2: Delete pictures of this person. You don't need to be reminded of the past.

Step 3: Change your surroundings. Whether is it a new bed sheet or changing up your routine, will help you gravitate to newer things.

Step 4: Have fun! Surround yourself with loved ones! Do what makes you happy! Try something new and take risks. After all, tomorrow is a new day. :)

     In time, you will find someone that deserves to be loved and to love you!

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